Climbing The FastGrowth 75 Ladder

Recognising the South West’s top developing businesses, FG75 is an initiative that’s coordinated by The Western Morning News and provides a snapshot of the region’s economy.  We are delighted to have moved up the Fast Growth 75 list, from 60th in 2017 to 47th in 2018, and being among both globally recognised and more locally known companies of such a high calibre is a real triumph – that said of course our aim is to further improve our position again this year.

‘To be on the Fast Growth 75 list, companies need to have two key attributes:

  1. To have absolute focus on the needs of the end customer/consumer
  2. To be dynamic in key decision-making and implementation

The list is compiled based on the average sales growth across the last four years of publicly reported results.  It recognises those companies that have not stood still but have been driven to take on new opportunities to deliver real growth.’

Left: Paul Kilbride CEO of Troy UK with Ian Brokenshire, Senior Partner of KPMG in Plymouth

Posted in Corporate news