Get Ready For Ladder Safety Month 2018

The American Ladder Institute (ALI), the USA’s not-for-profit ladder association comprised of the leading U.S. ladder manufacturers and manufacturers of ladder components, has declared March as National Ladder Safety Month in the USA.

We at TB Davies (Cardiff) Ltd, want to make you aware that we are participating in National Ladder Safety month here in the UK.

TB Davies’s over-riding goal is to prevent injuries and save lives by making working at height as safe as standing on solid ground. Getting that one person home safely to family and friends is why we do what we do. We are literally changing the world, one ladder at a time.

National Ladder Safety Month

TB Davies would like to work with you to spread this important message and would like you to feel free to participate in this event in any way that you like.

We would be more than happy to assist you with any of the promotional and marketing materials created by ALI as if you were in the US, as well as encourage you to work with your national ladder safety standard institute to develop a ladder safety month in your home country.

Take a moment to review the attached information explaining what Ladder Safety Month is all about, as well as what we are doing to promote Ladder safety month here in the UK. Please feel free to contact me with any interest or questions you may have in participating. We are supporting our US partners, in particular Little Giant Ladder Systems and would love to see this develop into a Global Ladder Safety Month. We will do all we can to help make this happen.

Important Information will be posted up on the and websites during the month of March.

Posted in Market news